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Wall Plasters 101: On Humidity and Atmospheric Changes


Whether you live at home with your family or not, it is important to know how humidity affects indoor air quality. For one, lime and clay plasters assist in reducing indoor humidity, which is vital for one’s health.

Indeed, improving indoor air quality can be a daunting task, especially when you don’t know what to do. To begin, you must know more about humidity and how it impacts the air quality in your home.

Read on as we talk about humidity, atmospheric changes, and the use of wall plasters in a home.

The Relationship between Indoor Humidity and Air Quality

  • When Humidity Is Too High

Excessive indoor humidity is a concern. One example is condensation on windows. Condensation can also form within walls. Excess moisture can cause mould, rot, and structural issues.

Mould spores, fungi, mites, and viruses multiply higher in damp environments. The off-gassing or release of hazardous compounds from building components is accelerated by high indoor humidity. The air quality will deteriorate. High humidity will eventually demand expensive repairs to remove mould and other impurities and restore the structural integrity and health of the property.

  • When Humidity Is Too Low

You may feel uneasy if the humidity inside is too low. Because perspiration evaporates more quickly in dry air, it makes you chilled. As a result, heating prices rise. The air may become drier depending on the source of heat. This causes trouble breathing, as well as dry eyes and skin.

Controlling Humidity Levels with Clay and Lime Plasters

Natural plasters absorb moisture from the air when relative humidity is high and gradually release it when relative humidity is low. This preserves humidity balance. As a result, humidity remains constant regardless of temperature or environment. All of the moisture absorbed by your plaster will not condense on a mould-prone component. Mildew-resistant clay and lime plaster

Wall Plasters and Atmospheric Changes

The weather has an impact on the application and quality of plaster. Temperature, humidity, wind, and sun exposure all play an impact.

  • The Cold and Condensation

A drop in temperature slows the setting and hardening of all plasters. Plastering in cooler weather requires longer intervals and retraining. Otherwise, the cold and thermal fluctuations can reduce the strength of the material and result in fractures.

It’s critical to note that cooler temps prevent cement from hydrating. Cooler temperatures also cause the setting procedure to take longer, or fail to instal overall.

Moreover, cold winter condensation can cause damage to completed plaster in some areas. Furthermore, it can prevent or postpone the drying of wet building activities for weeks or months, making plastering problematic.

  • The Hot and Dry

In hot, dry conditions, plaster can dry out before setting. Partially set weak material frequently has a powdery surface that is unsuitable for the next coat or ornamentation. Cement plaster is a sensitive material. Maintain a wet surface while curing.


Many Australians are now aware that during the cooler months, efflorescence is a concern. Salts are more visible during cooler days and nights than during warmer days and nights. Meanwhile, frosty winter efflorescence is caused by seasonal fluctuations in evaporation. 

Additionally, the rate of evaporation may be substantial in warmer or hotter conditions, resulting in significant evaporation of moisture within the cladding. Colder weather may cause evaporation to be delayed, allowing precipitation to reach the plaster’s surface before evaporating and leaving behind salt deposits. 

Following cold weather techniques during the cooler months may lessen or eliminate efflorescence.

We Plaster & Recruit is an esteemed company that offers  professional plastering services. With us, you can address the problems of your home and get solutions for them. Contact us today!

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